The service provides a check of lunch menus against the School Food Standards, of January 2015. Checking the lunch menu helps schools and caterers by providing an independent external validation that menus meet the School Food Standards and by providing recommendations of how to address any areas where the standards aren’t currently being met.
The menu check is carried out by one of LACA’s dieticians, based on information provided by the organisation, academy, school or their caterer, and will be completed within an agreed timescale of the provision of the menu information, anticipated within one to two weeks.
Once the menu has been checked, LACA will provide a completed checklist demonstrating how well the menu meets the standards.
On request, a telephone call can be arranged with the LACA dietician to discuss the outcome of the menu check. LACA will also re-check the menu against the School Food Standards once any areas where the standards were not met have been addressed.
Once approved, the menu may be endorsed with the Menu Checked LACA logo for the duration of the use of the menu.
*3 week cycle up to 3 menu option