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Chefs in Schools sends out 20,000 meals a week to fight poverty

03 Feb 2021
Charity Chefs in Schools announced they are sending out 20,000 meals a week to families who are experiencing food insecurity.

The food hampers are on top of free school meals vouchers and highlight what’s possible when charities and communities work together. The lunch boxes, containing a mix of freshly made meals and store cupboard essentials, can feed a family of four lunch for five days.

On average Chefs in Schools are sending out 1,000 lunch boxes a week, with over 200 in the Hackney area and around 800 in Southwark and Lambeth.

Guy’s and St Tomas’ Charity are funding the lunch boxes as well as School food Matters’ breakfast boxes in Southwark and Lambeth.

A spokesperson for Chefs in Schools said: “We want to raise the standards of what is acceptable – no family should be going hungry or living off scraps.”