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Food waste becomes key talking point in media

27 Nov 2013

The issue of food waste has become a key talking point in the media, according to Tony Goodger, BPEX.
The Pig Industry’s representative bodies, BPEX and the National Pig Association (NPA) support the food waste pyramid as follows and ask that you circulate this email and attachment to LACA members
1.       In-date food that is wasted should be donated to charities such as FareShare and diverted for human consumption
2.       Food fit for animal consumption but not human that is either produced during product manufacture in a meat-free plant, or that is packaged and handled through a registered FEMAS-assured company can be diverted to pig feed
3.       Unpackaged food at store level or food that is not fit for consumption should be diverted to anaerobic digestion or in-vessel composting.  Such processes provide a useful output in the form of energy (heat and power), remove any undesirable pathogens and convert the final product into a safe and low odour fertiliser therefore reducing reliance on artificial fertiliser